Saturday, October 6, 2012

Do You Believe The Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening, a relatively non-existent procedure twenty years ago has come on in leaps and bounds ever since the materialistic attitude adopted during the last few years of the twentieth century.

At this time teeth whitening procedures were only limited to actors and newsreaders who needed to look good when on television or the big screen. At that time prices were astronomical for such treatments, but as is the way of all new techniques and concepts, time will inevitably push the price down as it becomes more common place. But teeth whitening seems to be a kind of exception.

While it is true that more people of the general population seek to have their teeth whitened, they are all under the illusion that only dentists can carry out the procedure. Home whitening kits, created by moral dentists, are now being the fashion amongst those that intelligently search for more time efficient and less costly procedures, not to mention more safe methods of whitening whilst protecting the tooth.

Laser teeth whitening is one of the most expensive operations offered by dental surgeons for super quick results. Usually a concentration of either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide solution is applied to the teeth. The bleaching solution is controlled by a laser that quickens the tooth whitening process. The entire process in most cases lasts for up to two hours and the results are noticeable immediately.

A big risk with teeth whitening is getting chemical burns with products that use a high concentration oxidizing gel. If the gel's oxidizing agent comes into contact with unprotected tissues, you can get overly sensitive teeth from this. There is also the risk of over bleaching your teeth. This is known as hyperodonto-oxidation or over white teeth. Sometimes, teeth rebound and lose their bleached effect. This most often happens with treatments where your teeth are made very many shades whiter in only very little time. A good example of quick teeth whitening are intensive treatments at the dentist's office and also hydrogen peroxide based whitening kits at home. Usually after a short and intensive treatment, after only a week half of the whiteness if lost again.

Teeth whitening at home treatments often reduce your tooth enamel. However, most whitening kits provide gels with low concentration hydrogen peroxide. The concentration is low enough that people using it at home can never significantly damage their tooth enamel. Not even if their expose your teeth to it on a daily basis for a few months. When using a hydrogen peroxide based gel to bleach your teeth, you run the risk of temporarily increasing the sensitivity of your teeth. You can also experience mild irritation of the gums and other soft tissues in the mouth. This usually happens at the start of the whitening treatment. The sensitivity always disappears within 3 days of stopping the treatment.

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