Monday, October 15, 2012

Dental Care Suggestion For The Children

As soon as babies cut their first tooth, parents should be diligent in caring for it and those to follow. The importance of dental care for children is second to none so that they are able to have beautiful smiles throughout their lifetimes. That will mean being patient and doing some of the brushing and flossing for them, even with their primary teeth.

The important thing is to provide the proper care to the baby teeth because it will have an effect on the condition and health of the secondary and permanent teeth. That said, be diligent in brushing the child's teeth at least twice a day. At a very young age, babies and toddlers don't understand how to spit out toothpaste, so it is imperative that only a small amount is placed on the toothbrush because although it is meant for oral use, it isn't meant to be swallowed.

By the time the child is a year old, he should see the dentist to ensure that all is well. From then on, regular dental checkups are a must. The dentist will also give parents some tips as to how to care for their children's teeth, but most of the information is common sense, or can be found online, for example.

You might like to begin by taking your toddler along with you when you go for regular check-ups so that they can get used to the dentist (unless you are expecting any treatment). When your child reaches the age of about two, your dentist will probably begin to look in their mouth in a fairly informal way. You can help prepare your child in advance by looking at books, which talk about going to the dentist and telling them about the mirror and the 'magic' chair.

How soon can my child be left to clean their teeth unsupervised?

Most children are able to brush their own teeth around the age of seven. A good rule of thumb is that if they can write their name quite clearly, they can probably be left to clean their teeth themselves. However, it is still a good idea to check how well your child is brushing their teeth now and again. Aim to ensure they brush their teeth for two or three minutes at least twice a day.

How can fluoride help?

Fluoride is a mineral, which has been found to help protect against decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Most tooth pastes now contain fluoride and it is added to the water supply in some areas. If your water is not fluoridated, ask your dentist about fluoride mouth rinses or supplements in the form of tablets or drops. Too much fluoride can lead to a condition called fluorosis in which teeth become permanently mottled in appearance.

You should clean and whiten your teeth on a daily basis with toothpaste and flossing. You want to buy products and dental material such as medical equipment  that have baking-soda in them. This ingredient will work to remove stains that are on your teeth, and it will work while you floss and brush.

Nearly everyone wants to be able to flash a perfectly white, dazzling smile. Luckily for them, there are tons of methods and techniques available to improve the clarity of your smile. You can have a brighter smile and whiter teeth by following the great advice in the article above.

1 comment:

  1. Dental care efforts can be done once the person attains his teeth and remain for the whole life but this should be critically given importance to the permanent set of teeth.

    children dental
