Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Sign Of Gum Diseases

Gum disease is inflammation and infection of the dental gum line that can manifest in a variety of ways. It is an extremely common disorder and affects millions of Americans every year. A large number of dental visits are dedicated to prevention and treatment of this disease, which means billions of dollars are spent annually on this aspect of oral health and hygiene. It is in your best interest to learn the early signs of this type of disorder and find out what you can do to prevent yourself from having to deal with the pain and expense of gum disease.

These are the most common forms of periodontal disease, from less severe and easily treated, to severe. Educate yourself to avoid these infections. Choose plaque-fighting methods, since plaque is the enemy to your teeth and gums. Protect the enamel of your teeth, since when it is gone, it cannot be restored.

One of the first signs that many people notice is spontaneous bleeding of their gums when they brush their teeth. If you use a soft bristle brush and still notice that your gums bleed with gentle brushing, you may have early signs of this type of oral problem. Other signs that may indicate your gums need a visit to your local dentist include halitosis (bad breath) that persists despite use of mouthwash, red, swollen and tender gums, pain when you chew, teeth that feel loose or sensitive, and noticing that your teeth appear longer. Longer or bigger teeth can mean that your gums are receding.

If you notice any of these signs, you should make an appointment with your dentist at your earliest convenience. He or she will be able to give you advice for treating your current gum disease and preventing further periodontitis. There are a number of things your dentist can do to treat this disorder. One of the biggest things your dentist or oral hygienist will do is attempt to control the bacteria infection that causes the disease. Any treatment that occurs in the dental chair should be followed up with thorough routine cleaning habits at home. Your dentist may choose to do deep cleaning such as scaling or root planing. He or she may also prescribe certain medications such as mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine, an antiseptic chip, antibiotic gel, enzyme suppressant, or oral antibiotic. Some of the antibiotics used to fight bacteria that contribute to periodontitis include doxycycline and minocycline. Invasive surgical procedures may be indicated in certain severe situations. This may include flap surgery or bone and tissue grafts. These are usually last resorts and only used in extreme cases of inflammation or infection.

Tooth infection and loss can be very painful. As teeth are removed or fall out, the ability to chew food properly is lessened. Improperly-chewed food can cause choking and malabsorption of the nutrients in the food, which may become lodged in the colon, causing peritonitis. Peritonitis is a very dangerous and life-threatening condition.You can buy dental instruments from internet.

A dentist or oral surgeon can identify the symptoms of gum disease, but treatment requires seeing a periodontist. They are gum experts. If you are referred to a periodontist, or if you recognize that you may have gum disease, you should make the appointment as soon as possible. Your teeth and gums are important to your overall health. Practice good oral hygiene. Brush two to three times a day. Make flossing a natural part of your tooth brushing experience. See your dentist regularly for cleaning and check-up.

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