Thursday, August 9, 2012

The duration of the dentures

Denture wearing Abstract convenient and cheaper, so many teeth missing friends choose to do removable denture, but dentures can be used for a long time? The life of the removable denture can not be generalized, which is related to many factors.

Generally speaking, as long as the abutments good, reasonable design, produced together in the wild type anatomical requirements, use of the material also meets the biophysical requirements, the patient's physical condition, the remaining teeth without periodontal and dental disease, lack of only alveolar bone resorption is not obvious, denture care and thoughtful, so dentures use of time longer met - some of the patient's clinical dentures have up to 10 years of more than 20 years, can still be used.

But there are some people for various reasons, the dentures only wear a few years, some only a few months one way or another, most of the abutment teeth or other dental problems, followed by the quality of the material, and then system to do the technical problems need to be removed fixed dentures for processing, or to dental instruments re-set activities dentures.

Finally, the length of life of removable prostheses have a great relationship with the doctor's operating level, the clinical experience of oral rehabilitation, advanced equipment, the practices of doctors to do the activities of denture course, can be long-term use. Conversely, if in non-standard small dental clinic to do How to choose dental materials the quality of removable dentures no guarantee.

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