Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Elderly denture details

Elderly dentures require more fine, which requires medical attention in these details below to hear oral expert introduction elderly denture repair details.

1. Modulo: first of all to maintain the patient maintaining postural maintain airway patency, protect the lip mucous membranes are not scratch.

2. Denture design: mucosal support mainly Underpinning try slightly larger design to strengthen the structure of the plastic base. The clasp design should be conducive to the stability of the remaining teeth and get to wear the convenience.

3. Denture buccolingual smaller, reducing the lateral force or shorten the distance of the free, to avoid excessive force, tooth mobility or loosening increases and alveolar bone resorption.

Activities dentures - tooth arrangement

1. According to the degree of fullness of the alveolar bone, the distance between the upper and lower jaws to choose the level of dental models.

2. The repair should try to restore the appearance and dental instruments countenance coordination, with particular attention to under 1/3 of the height of the recovery surface.

Activities wearing dentures - teeth

1. Denture base size, thickness uniformity.

2. Remove all the factors that affect the denture in place to ensure that the denture can be easy to get to wear.

Elderly patients increasingly become the object of our services, we should be according to What are the benefits of precision porcelain teeth their psychological, physiological characteristics, strictly in accordance with the reasonable design and fabrication, and so elderly patients can live better. Denture repair work to achieve a multiplier effect.

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