Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How the treatment of congenital permanent teeth missing?

Reason for the problem of how the treatment of congenital permanent teeth missing, the oral expert congenital missing teeth for many reasons, we only find the cause, and symptomatic treatment was better, cause congenital permanent teeth missing, including nutritional disorders, metabolic disorders endocrine disorders, genetic diseases and ray impact.

Congenital permanent teeth missing the most important factor are the genetic factor. Can be expressed as any one tooth in the mouth. The treatment of congenital permanent teeth missing: congenital permanent teeth missing treatment principle is to restore chewing function and maintain a good occlusal relationship.

1. For the small number of missing teeth, and not how to affect chewing function, dentition, shape and appearance, we generally do not make any deal with.

2. For most of the tooth is missing, not only affect chewing function, and cause great impact on the patient's appearance, pronunciation and so on. For such patients, we recommend to dental instruments carry out the repair process. The number of missing teeth, too much we can do removable denture or planted to repair.

Doubt about how the treatment of congenital permanent teeth missing, the experts also said that the deciduous most common congenital absence of mandibular deciduous incisors and mandibular deciduous lateral incisor. Often very complex congenital missing teeth, teeth congenitally missing not only chewing function, affecting the teeth in order, but due to lack of long-term occlusal stimulate the development of the maxilla and mandible, have a certain Detailed cosmetic teeth a few major errors impact.

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