1. Hot and cold sweet and sour pain: teeth encounter hot and cold sweet and sour pain to remove the irritants, the pain disappeared. Teeth pigmentation common to dental caries. The gingival margin on the teeth, no pigmentation, deep wedge-shaped defects. Are lighter, two kinds of dental restorative treatment can improve. But if it is caused by gingival recession and dentine hypersensitivity treatment process is more complicated.
2. Spontaneous pains: gums appear spontaneous labor pains can not be located, the pain got worse when sleeping; case of cold, heat stimulation can induce pain, remove stimulate the pain continued for a period of time, pain to the ear temporal radiation. That pulp inflammation, treatment, removal of "bad nerves" teeth "bad nerves", and then the root canal treatment.
3. Persistent pain: the gums of persistent pain dental instruments can be a clear positioning, teeth float flu, and knocking teeth or bite things the pain is obvious. Description of the inflammation to invade apical. The treatment is too much trouble, emergency principle of decompression and drainage "- in the teeth, the middle of a hole, so that the outflow of inflammatory secretions, reducing the pressure of the pulp cavity. Photo of X-rays, according to the disease, choose the root canal treatment or plasticizing treatment.
4. Bite the pain of a hard object: Bite the pain of the hard things, knock stones and other hard objects history. The teeth have cracks, severe cases, teeth can be split. As the cracked depth to decide treatment options: If the tooth has been loosened, it is necessary to select the extraction. If shallow, you can do sets of crown retained.
5 Make the root of dental pain: do root teeth The results of the buck teeth treatment at the persistent pain, touch the gums the pain got worse, with mouth not open, and often inflammation, anti-inflammatory after removal of the "best tooth root".
6. Gum pain: continuous dental pain, accompanied by swelling, loose, more associated with symptoms of food impaction and periodontitis performance.
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