Denture repair many types of body have different indications, the oral condition of the elderly are also more complicated, so be sure to carefully select the forms and materials of the denture prosthesis.
Elderly degradation of gingival recession, it will slowly lose his teeth, but no teeth to eat also suffer, so elderly people often choose to wear dentures. Dental out-patient had encountered the elderly to inappropriate choice of dentures and other dental problems, so the elderly wearing dentures or for their own dental status, choose their own.
Dentures on the denture base and a flexible metal hook, the elderly are free to take the wear. Dentures molar requirements are small, cheap, and if not, you can also do fixed restoration. If the elderly have the following three conditions, you should choose to install dentures. A. Gums rely on after tooth loss. Two. The more the number of consecutive missing teeth, missing teeth and gaps span. 3. Severity of the defect and fixed prostheses can not be restored to its ideal appearance and fullness.
The advantage of dentures is desirable down cleaning, oral hygiene. The disadvantage is that after installation to adapt a little longer, and dentures larger, into oral foreign body sensation, some will affect the pronunciation, poor stability, chewing function, poor recovery; metal hook will affect the cosmetic results. Long-term use may damage adjacent teeth. Removal or improper use of easy to wear gum dentures, but most patients shortly after the dental bite material pain or worn gums, it may be fitting dentures, to the hospital to repair.
Many elderly people that run pain is normal, it will hold on, or simply do not wear, or even discarded, and to do so are wrong, most of these cases can be solved by repair, if it is a model system to take or dentures produced , you can re-production. Long-term wear dentures prone to corrosion of the adjacent teeth, resulting in loose teeth, clean the areas that are not easy to cause inflammation. Special needs, single dentures due to the smaller and easier to loose and be swallowed, once swallowed into the esophagus or stomach, should be timely treatment, can be removed using gastroscopy, in order to avoid dentures linked to the gastrointestinal tract damage. Recommended for the elderly on the set with dentures, choose the fixity good way to avoid the risk of swallowing.
Expert Tip: dentures metal stents cobalt-chromium alloy, titanium alloy, pure titanium and precious metal alloys, commonly used for titanium and titanium metal stents, the difference lies in the stability of metal and human body capacitive side, lightweight titanium stent quality, comfort, good biocompatibility, compared with the former price is relatively expensive. The majority of patients no longer the installation of dentures as the preferred.
Fixed dentures, missing teeth and adjacent to both sides of the teeth, dentures fixed on the patients themselves do not have to choose their own wear. Mill change the fixed denture in the denture, first missing teeth on both sides of the adjacent teeth as abutments, and dental instruments then put in its above a capped, then both sides of the connection, middle bordered dentures, by cementation agent is fixed on both sides of the good teeth, such as bypass, it is called a fixed bridge.
Fixed prostheses are small, comfortable, beautiful, foreign body sensation, easy loading oral habits, chewing function very well, like real teeth. Fixed dentures requirements of elderly missing teeth and only one or two adjacent natural teeth have a sufficiently high solid root, tooth tissues healthy, normal tooth position, tilt and twist.
If the elderly choose a fixed dentures, it is necessary to pay attention to the clean crown, especially in ordinary metal braces have certain corrosive, easily lead to reactive inflammation of the gums or allergies, so the need to pay special attention to health. Choose fixed dentures for the elderly, long-term wear, improper cleaning, but also prone to dental caries, periodontitis.
The dental implant is in a pre into the place of missing teeth with surgical methods of artificial titanium root is implanted in alveolar bone, and then installed on the basis of a denture. Compared with fixed dentures and dentures, dental implant does not damage adjacent teeth, and wear comfortable, natural, able to maintain normal alveolar bone, have a similar bite force with natural teeth, and long service life, is a permanent repair.
Dental implant treatment cycle is longer, but the range of application of the crowd, small and safe surgery, without hospitalization, generally accept the conventional extraction surgery can be considered implant restoration, patients with full mouth of teeth missing, if you planted a few implant, you can solve dentures fixed the problem.
Expert Tip: enough to want to plant the dentures for the elderly must be the mouth, missing teeth and parts of the alveolar bone; no serious periodontitis, periodontal disease; the gap between the upper teeth and lower teeth bite when not less than 0.5 centimeters. For the cultivation of dentures for the elderly, In particular, they pay attention to oral hygiene, gingivitis will be What is the advantage of dental implants very easy. After implantation to regularly review, while maintaining oral hygiene, do not chew the excellent food.
Need to remind patients not suitable for some special patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and uncontrolled hypertension, blood disease, osteoporosis, and oral cancer, postoperative need radiotherapy immediately accept the implant restoration. In addition, heavy smoking and alcohol patients can not maintain good oral health conditions should not be planted repair.